
In my walks on the beach of Lake Ontario, I often see dead fish that have washed up on shore. They can be fresh, partially eaten or rotted away. I photograph them. Most are salmon and they are huge, maybe 2 foot long or more. The shore birds feast on these fish remains.

This photogravure print was a result of a week long workshop at Zea Mays Printmaking, Florence, MA with Nancy Diessner. She encouraged us to explore destruction.

The digital image was modified before the plate was created. It was marked and scratched. The plate was printed then wiped and scraped, printed again, wiped, scraped and printed again. This final plate shows all of the destruction including throwing on the floor face down and standing on it and moving it under my foot.

Exhibited at the Print Club of Rochester show at FLCC 2019


Learning Lino


White Pine Experiments in Cyanotype